Nugent has reportedly confessed to fathering a child out of wedlock with a Dover, New Hampshire, woman who is suing the '70s rocker for child support and custody. According to the local Foster's Daily Democrat newspaper, the plaintiff, 43-year-old Karen Gutowski, filed suit against the 55-year-old Nugent last August, claiming he has provided little in the way of financial aid for their unidentified eight-year-old child despite making millions from album sales, touring and other revenue streams. Gutowski's attorney, Jeffrey Runge, told the newspaper that the musician, radio and TV host and noted outdoor enthusiast has acknowledged paternity of the young boy, but has never met the tyke and refused to provide proper financial support. "Given the fact he's worth millions and millions of dollars, he's paying the amount someone making about $20,000 per year would pay," Runge told the Daily Democrat in September.
Man, I wish I was a multi-millionaire rock star who has fathered children all over the world. how cool is that, well cool if you can support them.
But the real question here is honor, like my thesis about being that what you hate, look at Mr. Nugent. Laughing at unwed mothers and fathers who skip out on their children while himself being a stinking hypocrite.
This is a common theme. It has been my observation the ones who preach the loudest about conservative moral values are the ones who have the least honor, respect and actual morality. It's like they are so vocal about it not because they are trying to convince others, but rather themselves.
Same goes for the liberals who make big noise about minority rights. In truth, their greatest crime is on some level feeling superior to the people they are protecting. Like a momma bear shielding its dumb young from the big bad world, these people are actually talking down to minorities and telling them they are too weak and stupid to fend for themselves.
My new theorem therefore is a corollary to the old one,
You advertise that which you are not.
But the real question here is honor, like my thesis about being that what you hate, look at Mr. Nugent. Laughing at unwed mothers and fathers who skip out on their children while himself being a stinking hypocrite.
This is a common theme. It has been my observation the ones who preach the loudest about conservative moral values are the ones who have the least honor, respect and actual morality. It's like they are so vocal about it not because they are trying to convince others, but rather themselves.
Same goes for the liberals who make big noise about minority rights. In truth, their greatest crime is on some level feeling superior to the people they are protecting. Like a momma bear shielding its dumb young from the big bad world, these people are actually talking down to minorities and telling them they are too weak and stupid to fend for themselves.
My new theorem therefore is a corollary to the old one,
You advertise that which you are not.
You can see this with the most boisterous. The guy thumping his chest and procaliming his greatness is actually the biggest loser of the group. I see it every day in modern advertising. Insurance companies telling you how great they are while news reports after every disaster tell a different story. Let me tell you, the one thing Coca Cola is not, it's not "it". The list goes on and on. I guess that's why you advertise in the first place. Convince people the opposite of what they already think of you or your product.
Poor Nuge, he actually does have many valid points to share and his music ain't bad. But like a deer that stands too long in one place the man just makes himself an easy target.