Is it me or do these public service ads look like something you would seeing in Nazi Germany around 1938 or Stalinist Russia? Yes, we have reasons to be afraid, no one more then the people of New York. But are campaigns to turn in ones neighbors really what we need? A city of stoolies?
Yesh ! This is exactly what it's
all about now - turn in your neighbor - who you don't like...
and you're now a patriot ! The
only difference between our regieme and the one of Nazi Germany is their symbol was the
swastika - while our's is the cross. Our founding father's must
be turning in their graves over this new direction this once great country has recently taken.
I'm waiting for the day when every
one who is towards "the left" is rounded up and exterminated in the
name of patriotism.
Or better yet, kids if your parents don't agree with the majority, turn them in!
1984 George Orwell
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