Sunday, November 18, 2007

Higher Prices


Juan said...

She can jack me off, if she wants.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the Saturday night event blog entry?

Vlad said...


I had to remove it because someone mentioned in the blog did not want his name used. It's not the first time. A few weeks ago I had to remove another posting for similar reasons.

Honestly, this venture is becoming more trouble then it's worth. I am self censoring all the time, well you just have to but if I can't even mention what I am doing without upsetting people then what is the point? I don't want to piss people off.


Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding me !

Who's the light weight who does not want his name used ??? Let me guess - is it the same person who bootlegs everybody's music even when being told it is not permitted ??

That's bullshit. Never give in, Never censor yourself... I had the same problem myself a while back - no how I handled it?? I cut that person off.

Fuck People - people are the problem in todays society. I was just going to mention how great your blog has become now that it was real and honest.

That will be the day when I censor my blog because somebodys afraid of the truth.

- Big George