This Louisiana oil spill is upsetting me, aside from the damage to the wildlife, I am wondering why no one is bringing up the fact that our government opened up the rest of America's coastline to drilling only a few weeks ago. I imagine had the president been a former oil man or outspoken governor from Alaska, the connection would have been made by now?
this is the point I've been trying to make for the last few years... it don't matter who's in the white house - big business still calls all the shots. "MEET THE NEW BOSS SAME AS THE OLD BOSS, WON'T GET FOOLE AGAIN"....
ncentive driven approach:
Take away oil/drilling/mineral righst away from BP and give to anyone who can stop and/or clean up the mess with future and current oil going to them. I've seens treasure hunters like Mel Fischer devise vacuums for siphoning off sand from the seabed, why can't someone smart now do the same thing to suck up the oil....and keep it for themselves even?
Military Approach:
We have submarines that can dive deep, really deep and God knows what else our billions have bought us in navy research vehicles, why are there only 2 small ROV's on the ocean floor throwing rocks at this gushing well? Can't the force of the industrial worlds strongest military be used to blow the well head up (like they do in surface fires to extinguish them) or just drop enough dirt and sand on the leak to make a mountain of it?
By the way:
Notice how the spill is being blamed on BP, not the full company name of British Petroleum. If this spill was owned by a Kuwaiti company, do you think the reports would only be blaming KP? It's not a big deal but an intersting note on the use of language. Friends get treated differently.
Also note:
For this time....ever, the media is actually shifting some of the blame to the annointed one. Well, he really isn't doing anything other then saying he is very angry.
For The Future:
No more drilling beyond 300 feet, or whatever a commercial divers limit is. Clearly there is no contingency to deal with problems this far down.
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