Thing is, the file room with peoples important documents and social security numbers is open and accesible but it's the bathrooom that has a combination lock! Actually, everything is under lock and key. If I want a pencil I have to requisition it. I thought I understood, one look around me and I see why employee theft is a concern. But the other day a new realization came over me. Another department was renovating their offices in the building. The construction crews were taking out the old furniture and furnishings to the curb. Before the garbage men could haul away the old chairs, broken lamps and stained coffee tables the city employess attacked the trash like a pack of hyenas with a fresh wildebeast kill. Suddenly it became clear to me, why all of the neighboring restaraunts were cheap and crappy, why my co workers knew all the sale days at Costco, why coupons could be found on everyones desk. They are all poor. It's true, say all you want about benefits and job security, and that's all nice but these people get paid shit. What good is all of that if you have to rummage through garbage at the end of the day?
Yeah, that's the depressing thing about government work. I've never seen so much generic-brand cola consumed. My cube-mate complained about inflation because the cost of soup increased from $2 to $2.50. Also, clothes aren't so nice. The people who we share elevators with who work in private industry just look healthier, more attractive potential mates.
I saw our chief economist outside our building, he looked like a bum.
Kids in state schools...rampant obesity...no foreign travel...I am among the morlocks.
Job security is big concern. Speaking as a man who has been under and unemployed for the better part of his life I understand this concern.
The pension thing is nice, but a financially disciplined person can set aside funds for his retirement in an IRA. Job security on the other hand is not a done deal.
Yeah, but a pension is a promise (though I am still at a loss as to its contractual nature). A 401K is legalized gambling.
Not a done deal, but better than in the private industry.
welcome to the real world !!
401K is a big gamble thanks to "W" allowing it to be now...
Pensions USED to be a safe bet too but again, "W" said it's ok for BIG BUSINESS to re-nig on that as well - look at the airline industry and places like Enron...
Even UNION jobs are not what they once were...
The only reason I stay where I am is because of Job Security. Sure, I could make a lot more money but be laid off in a year... I'll take the steady gig - even if it means having no social life.
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