I agree with all of the sentiments I have been reading from the comments section. The shit is about to hit the fan. Coming home today from Upstate I stopped at the Ramapo rest area on the NY State Thruway. I was shocked to see who was working the counter at McDonald's. Children! No shit, not high schoolers, but junior high 12 to 14 year olds. At first I thought to myself "how old am I getting?", but then I heard the murmurs of the other people on line with me. "Are those Junior High students?" or "This country is going to shit, who the fuck let's their children go work at a McDonlads counter?" and "This is an outrage". People were fuming. The kids behind the counter didn't seem to mind the commotion but they were also woefully unprepared for the realities of life in this adult world. When one irate customer started making a fuss about some perceived slight, all the kids could do was shrug their shoulders. The whole scene looked like something out of a Dickens novel. Children who should be playing video games and skateboarding with their friends were now thrust into some kind of proto-industrial revolution nightmare like the textile mills of the 19th Century. What the fuck happened to employment laws? What is the minimum age to work amongst highway tramps, rest stop area degenerates and serial killers?
you know, when i started working at the age of 19, the other food workers, i felt, gave each other sort of a look like, look at the rich kid, he hasn't had to work until now. (although projecting my insecurities is a possible explanation).
basically, you're right. the northeast's heritage is as inheritor of the industrial revolution imported from the UK. that is the culture. children working in the mills because they could fit between the giant looms...unsafe working conditions...we were what china is now. the only weird thing is that democrats want to keep those awful jobs.
Well expect to see more of this in the workplace.
1) Angry and despondent housewife's who where not working the past 8-10 years, while they thought they were middle class and their husbands took too much equity out of their home. Who now work ringing registers in Supermarkets just so that they can feed the kids.
2) Baby Boomers who thought that by buying multiple properties and flipping them, so that they can retire ultra rich, are now stuck with multiple properties that are loosing value and about to foreclose. Well guess what? They will now work until they die because they blew their retirement.
3) The parents who spent themselves into debt oblivion, because they got cheap credit. And if the kids don't work, they will not eat. Thus, your experience, Vlad.
4) The hot chicks, who worked in Real Estate, who also bought overpriced property. Bought a high end car and took multiple vacations. They are now so in debt and not selling property that they are now spinning on poles and turning tricks in parking lots.
5) And finally, those who lived responsible. Spend within their means, and did not buy more house that they could afford. They are all fucked because of the jackasses......
OK. So, we are channelling most of our resources to the so-called war on terror, wiretaps galore, all the fancy equipment money can buy, and our protectors are listening in on people exchanging money for sex? I mean, the amount of manpower involved, highly paid civil servants, and technology, to catch people having sex??? Wasn't that a scene in 1984? When the two are having sex and the authorities bust in, having tapped the room? Meanwhile, Osama's hanging out in a country whose dictator we've supported for years, but won't let us in to the NW province.
The other thing I noticed upstate was that the convenience stores were not manned by recent immigrants or pimply faced teenagers but regular men of working and child supporting age. It's scary to think that some poor 40 year old is working at the Sunoco station to fend for his family at 6 or 7 bucks an hour.
Spitzer no doubt pissed off the wrong person. So they dropped a dime on him. Really for someone who prided himself to be hard ass and so unforgiving as an Attorney general. Needs to resign and make a killing in the private sector. It's only right.
Cleopatra Clinton does not have much to say about the situation, as well as Schumer.........no wonder the state is fucked....
A prominent Democrat caught by a Republican agency in an election year. And he just happened to walk in to an area they were already taping.
Still, this pales in comparison to Obama's treatment should he win the candidacy.
well, going back to this brilliant post by Vlad... actually it's the Republican's who love all this cheap labor - illegial labor because it's good for the economey. They will do the job's American's are not willing to do. What "W" fails to mention is those job's pay $3.00 per hour - forget the supposed minimum wage laws - those don't exist amongst minorities and illegals. I agree with the points made about people living way beyond their means - it's like they all bought into that "everyone want's to be a millionare" type deal...
Why folks need $70K SUV's which get 6 mpg is beyond me. BUT what bother's me even more is with the cost of energy skyrocketing - why does the Gov't keep giving Big Oil HUGE tax breaks and incentives, and allow them to rip us off with their huge price increases - just so they can make 300% profit this year over last??
That's what anger's me - we are all being told this shit about there being an oil shortage - there is no shortage - it's all about making money... just like the so called war on terror. "W" sacrificed 3000 souls in NYC in 9/11 - so his cronies could make money and he would have an excuse to get Saddam. Iraq is a business venture that went horribly wrong. The muslim people are not like us - they will fight to the death for what they believe in while we will do nothing. Sooner or later - someone's gonna have to pay for the trilions and trillions this idiot in the White House is costing the American people. I wish I could spend money like no tomorrow which I didn't have - I'd loose my house !! As it is - I might have to get a 2nd job because the cost of living is escalating way too quickly now. As soon as gas hit's $4.00 a gal, that's it for me - I'll be biking to work. Diesel is already $4.00+ out here. Which makes no sense - because it is less refined than gasoline. But lets soak the truck drivers - who inturn have to raise their fee's to stay afloat - who inturn cause the busnisses they deliver their goods to to raise their prices - because they are not going to get stuck with less of a profit margin - so who suffers ?? Me and you. Those kid's in McDonalds are just the beginning... some Wal-Marts do not pay their cashier's any more - they work strictly for tips now. But with Wal-Marts history of wages - that might be a better deal if every customer throws the cashier a buck or two. I don't know... Major corporations get away with hiring interns now for full time positions - I guess as long as people are willing to work for nothing not only will they but more and more business'es will allow it - even encourage it. And don't think who ever get's in the White House is going to change that - because it's good for the economey. The easiest way for a compny to turn a profit is to fire the work force. And that's exactly what my place is doing - not too mention that "W" gives major corporations a tax relief / credit for every American job they send over seas.
Yeah - the shit's gonna hit the fan - and the only one's who'll win will be those with possesions. My mother who grew up during the Allied bombing of Germany told me how German money became completely wothless. If you were once rich you were now poor. She would tell me how her families farm ( my grand parents ) would only take goods for food - like a violin from the 1700's was traded for sacks of potatoes... One reason why I have no longer a 401 K is because they are no longer fully protected. Ask the Enron folks, the Airline employess... oh yeah - we're in for a wild ride folks !!
yeah, why is diesel more expensive?
"W" will tell you it's because it's good for the economy !
It drives up the cost of everything else way way up... which in essance screws people like me real hard - because my wages don't go up the way the cost of living is...
Today I ran my errands. I only go to "Mom and Pop" type places... sure I pay a little more - but the service is far better. We spoke about how Diesel is now $4.17 per gal and the man said "I know - this is terrible - my suppilers are telling me that their rate's are going to have to increase - and I will have to tell my customers that some of my prices will have to go up" to which I replied "I know". It sucks for all of us who ain't loaded or who don't have investments in Big Oil. I know one guy who does and he claims over the next few years at least a 300% return on his money. He said: I love going to the pump because I'm paying myself... the higher the prices - the more profit my investments return... the thing is he's right. There is no shortage - it's all about pure profit - which for Exxon Mobil is over $3 Billion every couple of weeks... that in it self should be criminal - but because all the Gov't pensions are in Big Oil - it isn't...
Did anyone get there statment about the rebate we are to get ?? I thought it would be $600. Well, it's going to be somewhere between $300 and $600 and I believe we have to declare it as income next year - but don't quote me on that.
Nice, Huh ???
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