Can someone please explain to me why New York City must supposedly accept congestion pricing to recieve some absurd number of millions from the Federal Government? Something doesn't sound kosher, since when do the Feds stipulate that poor working shlubs must fork over $8 and $21 at a time to enter their own city?
I know some of my Manhattan readers readily aprove of this new tax on the middle class. Why not? If I chose to live in a smog filled and over crowded enviornment, I too would like the idea of less cars. But that is not the issue. Simply put, this is the City government being Manhattnocentric all over again. Same thing happens when the snow falls and its gets cleared in the city first. Same reason all roads lead to Rome. The money is being minted there and screw all of the little cogs in the wheel that make it all work. Well at least I was happy to see a few brave city council members vote against the proposal. How any single outer-botough politician voted for this is scandalous and needs to be investigated. Let's just hope someone in Albany can turn away from the bribery.
Speaking of cars, a buyer has been found for my blue car. I am torn. I really don't need two cars but this one particular vehicle has come to define me. It's old, has rust spots and belches noxious fumes but it's also tough, reliable and a thing of beauty to the right eye. I don't know, should I sell it? It might be my last chance to do so at a good price? Then again it costs virtually nothing to maintain but how long will everything keep from breaking down? And this is the year it becomes old enough to forgo emission inspections alltogether. What's your advice?
Well, I'm still angry how the Fed's said "screw you" to NYC after 9/11 and gave all the monies origionally destined to NYC to every single stinking municipality throughout the U.S. because "W" wanted to start his "fear" tactic where he wanted everyone to believe the muslims were going to overthrow the entire U.S. of A. which we all know today to be a bunch of "Bushit"... New Haven got more than NYC because Yale needs to be protected. Protected from what ??
As for your car - you have hit upon a tipci which is very near and dear to me: Old Cars. I have my own junkyard in one sence because I have - lets see... the 1993 Jeep ( we'll start with vehicles which work ), the 1984 Ford Diesel van, and ( now the questionable stuff ) the 1979 C-10 truck - which does start but needs brake work done to it. I bought that for $300.oo as a ghetto cruiser so to speak. The Van was originally bought in 2003 as a HVAC-R service van - which I was going to do on the side with the hope of getting back into that line of work. Then it was turned into the band mobile. Now, along with my C-10 truck - which now has a cap - they are both mobile storage garages !! My old yellow 1971 Duster sits in the garage. It was ( around 1986 ) to take the place of my green 1970 Duster which got wrecked 1 too many times... Well, I junked the green car in 1996 ( my ex girlfriend Gina's idea ) and I've missed it ever since. I did pull the drive train out of it though and that's all in the garage along with the '71 Duster.
I would - wait - how many car's do you have ?? If it's not breaking the bank to keep - and it's easy enough to keep parked - hell, I'd keep it. That's a good ride. Times were much better when that car was new...
Sell. That's what Suze Orman would do.
As for congestin pricing, why not tax NYC residents below 59th Street an equivalent amount and direct that towards improving mass transit?
Nobody's said anything about how regressive this tax will be.
However, I support the elimination of pollution. It is slowly killing city residents. You should have to internalize those costs somehow.
Why not just put tolls on all the bridges?
hey buddy, post something!
Yesh ! We want more ! We want more !!
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