Quite frankly I am surprised to still be blogging one year later. I thought I would have been bored by it by now and abandoned the project. Well here's to my stick-to-it-ness. As I cull the excessive posts from the site I am reminded off all that has happened in a year for me. When I started I was still working as a temp. Boy did that job blow. The one I have now ain't no great shakes but it still beats that. The only way to get out of working with agencies is to stop working with agencies.
A year ago no one knew that Barak's middle name was Hussein, today they do and deluded still don't care. One question, we all know what the poll numbers are for blacks, latinos, me and women in the presidential race. Has anyone asked the Muslim population whom they are voting for? Would the answer be uncomfortable? A year ago we were fighting the idea of congestion pricing. Bloomy lost that one although now out of spite he is making Broadway a two-lane street I hear just to give it to drivers. Just what we need, a promenade in the busiest part of town. It must be nice to be an out of touch billionaire. I wish I was, then again when the revolution comes........
I imagine I won't keep this post up long either. Just long enough for those that care to see what's up. Tonight I will be hosting a birthday party at Barcade. All are welcome of course. I think I will also take Monday and Tuesday off. Fuck it, it's my birthday. Maybe I will go to the circus or fishing.