Two news stories from Long Island today that need discussing:
1.Eight on Fire Island sickened by pot brownies
July 8, 2008
Eight people on Fire Island were transported by helicopter and boat to local hospitals, where they were treated for respiratory and gastric distress after eating brownies the victims said were laced with marijuana, Ocean Beach police said.
2. Jones Beach evacuated after fireworks wash up
NEW YORK - A popular beach on Long Island was evacuated at the height of a holiday weekend after stray, unexploded fireworks washed ashore the day after a July Fourth show, state parks officials said Saturday.
Roughly 2,000 visitors were told to leave Jones Beach immediately after the seaborne shells began turning up around midday, officials said.
I use to think that the problem in this country was we have too many lawyers. There are too many of those bloodsuckers around but they are only gonna follow the money. I then though the judges were at fault for allowing the courts to be clogged with frivolous matters. But now I am convinced it's just the overall pussification of our society. I mean really, did we really need to evacuate a bunch of pot brownie eaters by helicopter? Do we really have to close an entire beach during a heat wave because of water logged fireworks? This is just plain ridiculous.
And speaking of ridiculous, the current waterfalls art project is poorly conceived. Now I support the arts as much as anyone but who in the hell thought it would be a good idea to place a massive public arts project right off the BQE? Couldn't anyone have foreseen the traffic tie-up this would cause? For the love of God, people in these parts of the world slow down to a crawl if someone is changing a tire by the side of the road!
good points all around.
the bqe thing: maybe some junior staffer brought it up and the overprivleged park ave. cultural affairs cunt who's husband runs citigroup ignored it.
that pot brownie thing does not make sense. helicoptered for gastric distress? something doesn't add up. that's slipshod reporting.
lifegaurds take their jobs a bit too seriosuly sometimes.
Excellent post... I heard about the airlift due to eating brownies yesterday - and thought it was a joke. Man, I wish I could have a couple of hash brownies right now !!
As I've said for years - it won't be Islam or Global Warming or any of this other crap the government shoves down our throats - it's the dum-ming up of America that's gonna kill us.
Kid's here are now driven to school a half mile away in 5000 lb SUV's by hysterical soccar mom's and dads fearfull as to what might happen if junior walks in the fresh air for 15min...
Gee, I remember walking to P.S. 104, L.E.S., and St. Anslems and I never had any problems outside of the typical stupid kid crap (fight's, etc...) which is all a part of growing up.
There is a pretty wild political blog 4 people in my town run that's called "Derby Politics" - it's on Word Press - and I was just reading about the mass hysteria being caused because there is no dress code in the schools out here. Well, as an ex cathloic and lutheren school pupil - I can vouch that there is nothing sexier on a woman than those little uniforms they would wear... so if they really want their kids to think about sex - institute uniforms.
Yeah - we have become a society where we cannot get dirty - have any kind of real fun - get drunk in public - or god forbid - make any kind of decision ourselves - nope - that now has to be left to the trained professionals - like the idiots who made the order to evacuate Jones Beach and air lift folks after eating pot brownies and allow an interesting art project along a section of highway that's difficult to drive under normal circumstances.
How did society get this far??
My High School was known as PILL HILL back in the day - and the pills the students were taking weren't flintstones chewables either.
What really bother's me is the folks making these stupid safe rules are either from my generation or the one before it.
The safety nazi's are going to be the ones who kill us.
Where's the Hells Angels when you really need them ?? Now those folks are great examples of how to live righteously...
The bottom line is that everything that goes on in the tri-state area is about $$$$. Next time, God forbid an ambulance shows up for you and you know you don't need one, see how they pressure you to go on and to the hospital. I have seen it countless amounts of time. And if a cat gets tree'd the fire department, the Police department shows along with an ambulance! That is for real emergencies assholes, not for every city employee to bang out overtime.
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