I wanted to talk a little about Flight 800 as it was the 12 year anniversary. But I think everyone knows by know that the story about empty fuel tanks exploding was a bunch of B.S.. Aside from the 100 or so eyewitnesses who saw the missile strike the plane an airline pilot made this quote a few years after the incident "These planes are still flying with no changes (10 years later modifications were made) if the FAA really thought there was a danger with center fuel tanks they would have ordered them be filled with concrete rather then fumes."
Personally I don't know who shot down the plane. Was it a stray missile from a nearby Navy vessel? These things do happen. Could it have been pre 9/11 terrorists? I don't know, but keeping that scenario hushed up only made 9/11 inevitable. The only thing for certain is that we have been lied to. As for the truth, take your pick.
Ok. Here's the deal: If you own a UHF Scanner or if you are a boating enthusist - then you have the means to monitor the Marine band - channel 16 and 22A. Since I kayak into the Long Island Sound on occasion - I happen to have my own 2-way radio - and I hear all the time about the advisaries regarding the "live missle fire test's" which the U.S. Navy does on a regular basis.
When I still worked in Flt Ops - I got to see the radar return of the area prior to the jet being taken out. There were several large vessels in the area - and some of them high speed.
Avaition Week had an interview with a Coast Guard Pilot who watched from his HH60J Jayhawk the whole thing. I bet he's now locked up somewhere...
One of my co-workers was at the time still with the Army Air Guard flying either Cranes or Chinooks - and his base comander told the squardren that "...we shot it down - one happend to get away".
Know what the NAVY does with each commercial flight which goes over seas?? They track it as a training exercise. Some of these missle systems - like the Patriot - which kills more 'friendlies' than 'enemies' - once they lock on a target - the rest is automatic.
The N.Y. Post - which I love to bash - did get it right when they reported that "It was a Bomb" because the evidence supported this.
By the way - they did come out with a fix for the supposed fumes in the center tank issue - either bleed or compressed air - maybe nitrogen is pumped in - some kind of inert gas - ans it keeps the static electricity at bay for those who believe the fairy tale.
Remember the jet which went down in the Rockaways right after 9/11??
Forget that bullshit about the wake turbulance... Numerous eyewitness'es said they saw a flash - including FDNY members.
But the accident investigation showed that the controll sticks - the mechanical portions sheared - which happens when the sticks are fighting one another - ex: The co-pilot wants to go hard left - the pilot hard right - well, there is a sheer pin which lets one side over ride the other.
I recall how every night when I was driving home from work there way yet another security breach at JFK. Well, the wake turbulance was thought as a better excuse than what really happened: There was a fight in the cock-pit.
How about the jet that crashed into the ocean where the muslim was chanting ALLAH IS THE GREATEST?? Any body remember that one ??
The Jet in PA was shot down - that was on the news on 9/11 in real time...
For those who choose to believe in the fairy tales which the gov't put's out - believe me when I tell you that it is my opinion that all the conspirisies originate in the White House to cover up what REALLY happened...
Very good post Vlad !!
- Big George aka Earth...
i recently overheard some airport engineers talking and this subject came up. all of a sudden they stopped talking. like they didn't want to say something. maybe it was just the gravity of the subject, but in my mind i saw it as a tacit understanding of something they didnt want to say out loud.
of course they don't want the truth to come out - then it would be known for sure that the real terrorists are right here - in the white house.
The upsetting thing is that there is a high rate of intelligent - and some not so intelligent people who don't believe ANYTHING which our leader's shove down our throats - yet nobody dare does anything - myself included...
And in a way - you can't blame the silent majority - because who want's to be sent to Guantanimo Bay (sp wrong - I know) for an undisclosed time for execersing your right of Free Speech??
The Patriot Act IS the end of society here in the U.S. as we once knew it.
Obama is now sounding no different than any other politician. I think by the time November rolls around - he will be in full support of the war.
Why we are gearing up in Afganistan is beyond me - perhaps matter's are far worse over there than is being told to us. Since Iraq took precidence over Afganistan a little over 5 years ago - I've been hearing that the folks who brought you 9/11 (if the fairy tale IS true) have been gearing up - and keeping the U.S. forces at bay!!
Yeah - one wonder's what it would be like if the truth to everyhting was known.
I'm having an amazing discussion about Roswell - and it's pretty much common knowledge that a saucer with occupants was recovered. And that was not the first time eiter... BUT if the American people were told this - the bible thumpers would really flip out. However, if you study the bible - there are numerous saucer stories - and if you dive into older civilizations here on earth - there is too numerous info relating to saucer's and spacemen... how about those huge marking's on the ground which don't begin to make sense until some serious altitude is reached??
Primitive landing pad ?? Maybe !!
Those engineer's which the previous poster mentioned were probably fearfull as to what might happen to them if the truth came out - which is a shame... because I feel we have a right to know.
I wonder what would happen to the airline industry if it were known that the NAVY tracks and occasionally shoot's down passenger jets crossing the Atlantic Ocean...
How about that Swiss Air flight that went down off Canada?
It's really amazing, but how many planes have crashed under mysterious circumstances since then? (9/11 and the Bell Harbor "runway turbulence" incident a few weeks later)
It just looks like these terrorsit scumbags were blowing up all these planes and we just kept it under wraps to save the airline industry. They almost "had" to make a spectacle like 9/11 so no one could doubt them anymore.
What was thei final goal? To embroil the US in two wars that rain misery and 1000 pound bombs on their fellow Muslims asses? To make flying such a miserable experience that major airlines go bankrupt?
Mission accomplished. But I don't get it.
I never thought of it like that - surely they must have known we'd lob back all kinds of bombs and missles...
Makes one really wonder what's really going on and who is behind what.
Lets face it: Since 9/11 it's been a win win situation for big business and our government - the loser's are the middle class citizens.
Interesting how since 9/11 the flood gates really opened up regarding shipping U.S. manufacturing job's overseas.
Interesting how since 9/11 under the guise of protecting our freedoms - we are giving them up slowly BUT surely.
It's alomst like they are trying to see just how stupid the American people really are.
Remember when fuel went up because of huricane Katrina - that we couldn't refine the oil??
How about this one: We need to do offshore drilling to get the price of fuel down (within 20 years - I loved that part)... but they don't tell you that we don't even use the oil coming out of Alaska - that goes straight to Japan. Why?? Because we do not have the means to refine it also we don't want Japan buying their oil from our friends the former Soviet Union. (At least that's the way it was a few years ago - I'm assuming it's still this way).
All I do know is that wake turbulance is a crock of shit and that 9/11 came at a very convienant time with the right people in charge. One can only wonder if it would have occured if Al Gore was elected president.
The only thing our crusade against terror has done has made us the most hated nation on earth.
Iran IS next... and if "W" invades Iran before his term is over - guess what - he REMAINS the president!! That ruling recently got snuck in under the radar screen - I didn't believe it either when I first heard of it...
As for the Swiss Air crash - I though that was due to a baggage compartment fire BUT if I recall correctly - there was something very weird about that - like they could have landed sooner but elected not too - don't quote me on that - but I know there was somthing very fishy about it...
Mission Accomplished Indeed!!
(except we the people are the ones who lost)...
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