I didn't understand the mayors motivation concerning his congestion pricing plan until I stood on the corner of 55th and 3rd Avenue in Midtown at lunchtime and saw the mass of traffic slowly crawling towards the bridge. A good businessman looks at bad situation and thinks about how he can make it work in his favor. So instead of seeing an endless line of cars and polution, Bloomberg saw the potential for filling the cities coffers. He didn't get to becoming a billionaire without having a killer instinct for genereating revenue where it didn't exist before.
Here however is the rub, a city is NOT a business. People are not widgets in some economic model meant to be exploited by the administration. Citizens are not supposed to be looked at as cash cows, well not by the fuckers they elected. Eh, who am I kidding? He bought the election. In the end I think the calculations were something like $100 per vote. I never forgave the citizens of New York for being so stupid and corruptable. I couldn't vote for someone like that on principle alone. Someone once said that people deserve the government they get. Well, New York you voted for him twice now.
1 comment:
it makes you wonder if it even pays
to vote anymore... the choices are
always very very insulting to ones
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