Does anyone remember this TV show? It had a terrible name since it had nothing to do with the movies. Rather it was about this haunted antique store and the new owners who had to go and retrieve every item ever sold there because the items would wreck havoc over anyone who possesed them. I hear they are replaying it now on cable networks with the Chiller channel.

This movie was so underground it made it big on buzz alone. It was more gore then horror and it was disgusting but the most dissapointing thing was find out in subsequent years that some of the grusome killings were fake.

This movie had it all. Evil space goo, Leslie Nielsen as a scumbag and that story about the mysterious wooden crate under the stairs.

What a geat show this was. I'd stay up late into the night watching this show in my room and creeping myself out. Even the theme music still still gives me chills.
Oh man, I remember all of these. I used to watch Friday the 13th all the time. Every time I watched it, they would always get their hands on the artifact and then lock it away while I was thinking "what a bunch of nerds, I'd use all that shit to rule the world!
Faces of Death? I liked it but even at a young age I knew it was fake. Some of those effects were barely passable for home made movies!
Creepshow is one of my favorite movies ever. You can't lose with George Romero and Steven King. Throw in Leslie Nielsen and cro-magnon man Ted Danson and you have a surefire hit. There are so many classic lines in that movie as well from "Just call me Billy, everybody does" to "I CAN HOLD MY BREATH FOR A LLLLLOOOOOONNNNGGGG TIME!!!!!" - awesome. It's a shame that 2 wasn't as good. I also recently purchased the 3rd one - what a fucking abomination that one is.
Tales From the Darkside was fantastic, I too remember the music to this day. Vlad you should cover it!
The music from Tales is in my head right now.
The darkside is always there,
waiting for us to enter,
waiting to enter us.
So until next time,
try to enjoy the daylight
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