Maybe I'm showing my age but when I was a kid the only socially acceptable professions to have tattoos were sailors, carny workers, prisoners, motorcycle gang members and prostitutes. If you belonged to one of these groups on the margins of society, well then it was just part of the deal. It was about the time that women started getting tattos that I realized that "body art" (the term makes me snicker)had completely lost it's toughness. The old bumper sticker "Pussies get shaved, real men get tattooed" no longer held weight. Am I opposed to the body modification? No, do whatever makes you happy, but as always I reserve the right to mock your efforts. My only question is the sexual proclivity of women with these permanent baubles on their bodies. Is it, like a friends wife recently told me "girls with ass crack tattoos like to get it in the shitter"? I have no personal knowledge as a reference so please feel free to comment and let me know your experiences in the matter.
Yeah, I see what you mean - I can
make a similar analogy - in the
late 70's and early 80's when I
was the writer "KD II" ( Krazy
Dart ) on the subways - it was
still considered "vulgar"...
Once it became somewhat accepted
- and even embraced by the rich
art community - I stopped writing
- because it was now trendy -
almost even safe to do so... since
it was now viewed as "art" by some
of the establishment. I have long
thought about getting tattoo's -
but have decided that it is more
interesting these days not to have
any ink - or piercing's - on your
body... It's almost like people do
thses thng's strictly for
attention - like if I get this tat
- maybe I'll get a date... I
wholehearted agree about the
bikers / hooker's / vagrants / etc
- they have rightly so earned the
right to ink themselves - with
homemade one's - no less ! Those
were always my favorites... We
have a saying out here in E.Derby,
There's no life like low life.
Hey, no one answered my question, do ass crack tatoos equal anal? You can answer this anonymously.
Well i never hooked up with a girl with a tatoo back there thus I cannot say...........I remember when I got my tatoo 20 years ago how I was mocked at school, then Shazam! Everyone started getting them 10 years later.......reminds me when people used to make fun of me for wearing flannel shirts in the mid eighties and then 5 years later with all the bullshit grunge shit everyone had one on!
I still make fun of you ; -)
HA, yeah, I always loved and still wear the buttoned shirt over a t-shirt. In high school I wore hawaiin shirts before Miami Vice became big.
The simple answer to your question is "yes, they take it in the pooper, or at least from behind in the vag". It is essentially an access sign. The thing is they for the most part wont admit it, and claim they get it cause it's the "style". Hey, what is the point if they can't even see it themselves?
Hey, just be honest with yourselves, the fact that you like teh buttsecks should be a badge of honor, not shame. I respect a broad who is open-minded....as well as being opened-assed.
finally an answer. Thank you oh wise one.
Amen, Juan.
I wore flannel shirts and ripped jeans in the late 80s and I was told I looked like a bum.
I also liked those "throwback" old-time baseball hats and shirts, and that was considered uncool......but when Puff Scummy wears it it is hip!!!!!
God I hate people.
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